Welcome to Mini Horse Sales LLC




For those who don't know me personally, I'm Karen - the creator and CEOO (chief equine-obsessed officer) of MiniHorseSales LLC, founded in September 2012.
I'm passionate about my little horses! I focus on AMHA/AMHR under 34" Miniatures & I LOVE solid colors (especially palomino & black) and I'm always game for a pretty pinto.
I LOVE to show & my favorite part of owning horses is the daily care, feeding and loving on them.
I am totally in debt to all the wonderful friends I have met through my Miniatures.
My background is with Hunters & AQHA (Quarter Horses) and my daughters and I showed competitively in Hunters, Hunter under saddle, equitation and showmanship for many years. I started out as the rider and ended up the horse show mom/groom.

I now have 5 Miniatures (all palomino!) and one super cool 5 Year Old AQHA gelding named "20".
I'm happily married (39 years now) with 4 children and 9 grandchildren.
I also have an array of other pets in Including 5 Cavaliers, a Great Pyrenees & 2 busy barn cats
I love elephants (a LOT) and ice cream.

I run a home based dog boarding company called Camp Cupcake Pup Resort LLC

My greatest passion is called THE UNICORNS PROJECT LLC - (www.theunicornsproject.com) which is my 501c3 vision where I share joy to others through my Miniature Unicorns.
Please stop to introduce yourself if you run into me at a horse show or event! I love to talk Minis!



Interested in MiniHorseSales helping you market your Miniature Horse or Miniature Horse Product? You will find helpful info below. (also, check our HOME page for an article on marketing your Mini!) We specialize in connecting sellers with buyers to ensure a perfect match between horse & human.

  • Basic listing cost is $50.00 for the first horse and $45.00 for each additional horse listed at that time. Ad will remain on site for 6 months. Please e-mail me when the horse sells so can remove him/her from the site. Listings will also be listed on our FB page (MINI HORSE SALES LLC) with almost 70,000 fans as well as Pinterest and Instagram.

  • 4H/Pet Home page for the horses just looking for a forever home. Horses need to be priced at $1,000.00 or less with part of the proceeds going to a Miniature Horse rescue of seller's choice if desired.

  • Trailer, truck, real estate and large equipment (such as carts, round pens, gates etc) listings are $35.00

  • For any other of our equipment/supplies pages, the listing fee is $25.00 per item for 12 months - a fantastic value if you are a tack shop or vendor with a large inventory of the item featured.

  • Stallions at Stud page fee is $45.00 per stallion. Ad will remain active on the site for 12 months.

  • Would you like to promote your Mini-related farm, club or business From breeding farms, to equine dentists, rescue organizations and clubs - We can get your name out to the rest of the horse world! Listing fee is $50.00 per year.

Site Sponsorships are available at Four levels.

  • SUPREME PARTNER (all taken for 2024!) $1,175.00 for 12 months - inlcudes all FREE sale horse listings and free boosted promotions SUPREME SPONSORS WILL HAVE BANNERS ON TOP OF THE HOME PAGE, ROTATED WEEKLY WITH THE OTHER SUPREME SPONSORS (email justablaze@comcast.net to be added to the wait list)
  • CORPORATE (BANNER) PARTNER $625.00 for 12 months includes banner ad below the SUPREME sponsors as well as a banner ad on 8 other pages on the website and REDUCED rates for sale horse ads at $25.00 each with TWO FREE ADS per year
  • CORPORATE SPONSORSHIP $375.00 for 12 months - Corporate sponsors ads will appear on 16-20 pages on the website including the home page. Ads are the right hand side column ads. Corporate sponsors pay just $25.00 per ad
  • PAGE SPONSORSHIP $175.00 for 12 months. Page sponsor ads will be on 6 pages of the website - on the right side column (excluding home page) and they pay just $25.00 per sale horse listing

There is no commission taken if your horse is sold through our site and there is only a small listing fee to have your horse represented here. FHF MiniHorseSales LLC will market your horse on our very active site with email blasts, paid Facebook advertising, advertisements in national Miniature Horse Magazines as well as direct contact from our large list of horse people looking for that "perfect" mini match.

If you are interested in having MiniHorseSales be the contact for your horse, you can choose to do the consignment option - you still pay the listing fee but MiniHorseSales takes care of all the e-mails, promotion and exclusive e-mail blasts for your horse. When the horse sells, MiniHorseSales will be paid a 20% commission on the sale of the horse. If the horse is sold while advertised on MiniHorseSales - even through another venue, the commission fee must be paid to MHS. Unfortunately, one bad apple can spoil the bunch. I had one seller list 6 horses on commission with MHS. Every horse sold but seller claimed she did not need to pay the commission since "she" sold them herself. When a horse is listed on commission, MHS pays for additional advertising, emails and TIME to promote the horse.

MHS now offers a reduced commission, with seller as contact, but MHS will do additional promotion & ads. Commission fee (PAID no matter what venue horse sells on) is just 20%.

MiniHorseSales is very active on Facebook with thousands of visitors a week and almost 70,000 fans. We will continue to promote your horse by posting photos on our page and other Miniature Horse groups, for 6 months.

Simply go to any page on our site and click in the "online listing form" on the top right column and fill out our form.

E-mail photos and info to: justablaze@comcast.net

If you do not receive a reply within 24 hours PLEASE resend your message or text 617-320-3313. Occasionally messages get lost in cyberspace!


More About FHF Mini Horse Sales LLC

The horses listed on this site are not owned by Mini Horse Sales/Frost Hill Farm/Karen Rudolph (unless noted) but owned by caring and educated horse people looking to find the best possible match of horse & new owner. MHS is proud to be the agent for this spectacular group of Miniature Horses.

If you are interested in having your horse listed on our site, please fill out and submit our online listing form

MHS specializes in connecting sellers with buyers to ensure a perfect match between horse & human.

MiniHorseSales will market your horse on our very active site with e-mail blasts (4000+ contacts), paid Facebook advertising and on our Facebook fan page with over 64,000 fans, full page ads in the AMHA Miniature Horse World magazine as well as direct contact from our large list of horse people looking for that "perfect" mini match.

Horses are also promoted on PINTEREST, Instagram and Twitter.

We invite your questions and do our best to honestly represent our horses. We are here to answer your questions now and after the sale of the horse to offer a nice transition for our horses and their new owners. We want these horses to be placed in caring homes and will do what we can to insure a good fit between a particular horse and their future owners.

The horses listed are all AMHA, AMHA/AMHR, ASPC/AMHR, or ASPC/AMHR/AMHA registered unless noted.

The ‘good home’ factor is important to our sellers, and if you are the perfect home, most sellers will never be insulted by a sincere offer. Please feel free to contact us with questions, comments or just to "talk minis".


Helpful Hints - Marketing Your Miniature Horse

By Karen Rudolph – www.minihorsesales.com


  • Be a cheerleader! Does your horse have a winning show record? An awesome temperament? Is he a PROVEN producer? Does he/she have a CHAMPION pedigree (close-up, as in champion SIRE, DAM, grandsire, grand dam or champion siblings) – those are all worth bragging rights. Just be sure you have proof to back it up (If you are selling, OR buying a lot, subscriptions to AMHA & AMHR Studbooks are extremely valuable. Even if the horse won the aforementioned awards before you owned him, his winning show record belongs to the HORSE and you can use it to promote his sale.
  • Be realistic. You can’t be “barn blind” when selling horses. Pedigree is important, but it is not the “end all” – your horse needs to stand on their own merits. A “great great grandson” of some famous stallion is NOT enough to justify a huge price tag.
  • Be Professional.  Always.  Selling can be frustrating – people can be frustrating. Don’t be offended by offers, A lower offer from someone who will show and promote your horse/breeding may be worth considering (and remember you can always counter offer) and don’t get frustrated by emails from “kids” – they are the future & CAN be prospective buyers.
  • Be thorough - PHOTOS are what FIRST attract buyers – ONLY post ones that flatter your horse. I’m a big fan of nice pro photos. They will draw the potential buyers in and get them interested in finding out more about your horse – BUT also have available OTHER non-pro photos ready.  Foreign buyers, especially, want to see GOOD photos of your horse - left & right side, front and back, and bite. When you take these photos, be sure you are level with your horse, NOT looking down, as that distorts the horse’s proportions. MOST people cannot see through 2 inches of hair (myself included) so if you cannot provide photos of your horse clipped, consider holding off on selling until you can – OR be prepared to take LESS money for your horse. A VIDEO is also extremely important for any horse – ESPECIALLY one that is selling as a driving horse.
  • Be patient. Some horses sell fast and others may not, but don’t sound desperate or you may scare off potential buyers.  Then refer to #1 – are you being realistic on your selling price?
  • Be honest. This should probably be #1 on the list. Don’t make outrageous claims that are false (“unbeatable in the show ring” for a horse that has never been shown; “perfect conformation” for a horse that has many visual flaws) If your horse has issues that may affect the sale, don’t “forget” to disclose them (locking stifles, retained testicle etc.)
  • Be responsive. REPLY to requests and questions! Sounds simple – but it’s hard to keep up sometimes. Check your “spam” folder (or “other” mailbox if you are posting on Facebook) I run an active sales site for Miniature Horses and get messages EVERY day from people – telling me they messaged the owner of horses for sale on the site with no response. Hard to sell a horse that way.
  • Be prepared. HAVE those good “pasture” photos & bite photos handy! Want to really be on top of the game? – how about a VIDEO of the horse being measured, so buyers know your facts are accurate. Be prepared to answer lots of questions – the higher the selling price, the more questions the buyer is apt to have. There are LOTS of nice horses on the market today. If you want to sell YOURS, be prepared to work for the sale.
  • Be grammatically correct. Use spell-check to check spelling before you post your ad AND then DOUBLE CHECK spelling. Your horse should have correct CONFORMATION, not conFIRMation.  You need to SELL your horse, not SALE your horse. It’s a good idea to let someone proofread your work before it is posted. YOU know what it is supposed to say, so you may be skimming over errors in the text (I’m REALLY good at that!)
  • Be positive. If you horse is priced right, sound, sane & as advertised, with flattering photos and a clear, factual description, he/she WILL sell.



Testimonials From Some Of Our Happy Customers

I highly recommend advertising and becoming a corporate sponsor of minihorsesales.com and here's why ! Because Karen is incredibly helpful and makes placing ads soooo easy. But also because it works !!! I became a corporate sponsor and started advertising just this year and I am so pleased to report that I sold 24 horses between January 1st and March 31st !!!! And the large majority of my sales came from minihorsesales.com!! Very very happy with my decision to become a corporate sponsor and team up with the amazing Karen Rudolph

Nicole Pearsall, DVM Farms - West Middlesex, Pennsylvania


Minihorsesales.com/Karen Rudolph is the BEST resource whether you are buying or selling a miniature. Karen treats every purchase or sale as if it is her own personal transaction. Karen does an amazing job marketing and promoting your sale horse, while also vetting potential buyers to assure your horse will  receive a great home that is a good match. When it comes to purchasing Karen has the connections it takes to find exactly what you’re looking for! When one of our driving horses was injured Karen helped us find an amazing World Champion driving horse mid-season and FAST!  I have nothing but positive experiences dealing with Karen, on a 1-10 scale Karen & Minihorsesales.com are a 12+!

Vicki Chalut, Ashaway, Rhode Island

(Sold Designer This Toys Got Bling)


Thank you Minihorsesales.com and Karen Rudolph for finding my gelding the perfect new home! Karen had him up on her site and on Facebook in a matter of hours with a beautifully written ad. She also assisted me with talking to potential new buyers which was extremely helpful since this was the first horse I have sold, and it only took two weeks ro find the perfect buyer. Did you know MiniHorseSale's Facebook page has over 64,000 fans?! WOW! With that many contacts anyone who is selling a horse needs to contact Karen now!
Jenny Zonghetti, Sharon, MA

(Sold LM Idols Kashmir Hawk)

Thanks for helping me find the perfect mini!  He is everything and more! 

Dot Maggio

(purchased Royal Oaks Painted Berry)

We would recommend this site to anyone ...I know I keep snooping ...horse people ..we are all a little crazy  ...LOL thanks again Karen.

Joan, Canada

I highly recommend Karen Rudolph's website www.minihorsesales.com and her Facebook page as well.  What a great service to the miniature horse industry; such quality horses listed on this site.  I purchased 2B Patsy's Tribute To Gina after seeing her on the website, and couldn't be happier!  A great place to connect buyers and sellers!

   Terri Rogers, Riverview Stable, TN

We couldn't be happier with our gelding, Dom!!!! Thank you Karen, we wouldn't have known about him if it hadn't been for Mini Horse Sales.  (via Facebook)

        Linda Cameron-Davis, Pippin Hill Farm, Maine

I highly recommend Minihorsesales.com and Karen Rudolph. I sent her my horses to list and they were up and viewable on her website quickly. Karen has many contacts and ways to advertise, so your horse will be marketed in every possible way. Karen is very easy to work with and she takes the time to cover every detail about your horse, and will bend over backward to accommodate you and your listing. We have been connected with many perspective buyers through Minihorsesales.com. Anyone who is looking to get exposure for their sale horses NEEDS to contact Karen...... You won't be disappointed!

                                                         Kristina Slobody - Sawmill River Farm, West Brookfield, MA

Karen is a wonderful, enthusiastic horsewoman who brings her energy and dedication to promoting the miniature horse. She not only lists horses for sale, she promotes them and works very hard to connect folks with the right horse for them. She was invaluable in the sale of my colt, Brookhavens Knight Dreams, and because of that I will continue to support her and rely on her to help me connect with future potential buyers.

Merry Black - Brookhaven Miniatures, Summerfield, NC 

 A very special thank you to Karen Rudolph for her help in selling my colt Aloha Acres A Silent Partnership. I am amazed how fast her response was to me when I asked for her help. Not only did he sell within a very short time but Karen's professional help with dealing with prospective buyers was simply amazing. Can't say enough good things about her.

Connie B Heath - NC  

I had my weanling filly, MiniEquine A Ravenwood Christmas, listed on the Mini Horse Sales website. Chrissy sold to a Very Good home, which was important to me. With the network of contacts Karen Rudolph has in place and the quality of horses being sold by her, I would recommend Karen for all your sales!

                 Sandy Revard - Mini Equine Farm/MiniEquine Photography,  Catlett VA  

If you are looking for someone professional and genuine to help you sell some horses, Karen is it! My dad and I have done a lot of local advertising as well as on Lil Beginnings with no luck. Karen offered to help us, and help us she did! We have recently just sold a yearling filly with Karen's help. Not only does she write up a really well written ad, but she helps find a good match for your horse! I will continue to use Karen to help me sell horses in the future.

Megan Herrick - South Frontage Miniatures - CT

I am thrilled that I was able to purchase a beautiful Show Halter and absolutely flipped out when I found such a stunning little filly for sale; exactly what I was looking for. Startling to find out that the seller was located only 20 miles from where I live. (We both live in FL). I hope others will be as lucky as I was when they utilize your website. Regards,

Carolyn Dunaway - Auburndale, Florida

~ A Little More Info ~

I'm Karen Rudolph, and I've been selling horses on my farm website (frosthillfarmminiatures.com) for quite some time. Since it had become so successful for me I decided to branch out and have a website exclusively for marketing nice quality miniature horses.

The cost to list is $50.00 for the first horse and $45.00 for each additional horse LISTED AT THE SAME TIME.

If you would like your horse listed on additional pages (for instance, if you have a driving gelding, he could be listed on the Geldings 3 & Over page AND the Driving Geldings page - and if he was also a Shetland, he could be on that page as well) the cost is an additional $15.00 per page.

Listing will remain on site for 6 months, unless the horse is sold sooner.


If you would like to be on the waiting list to become a sponsor in 2020, please email karen@minihorsesales.com

Page Sponsorships are available on any page except the home page.

Your farm name/business will be listed on the right side column of the ad, including a link to your site. Our site gets over 4,000 hits per day - take advantage of our high volume traffic to promote YOUR farm! Yearly sponsorships (all sponsorships are for 12 months) $125.00, and professional designed ad can be created for $75.00.

Send Paypal to: justablaze@comcast.net

Snail Mail to:

Karen Rudolph

11 Agawam Ave

Hampstead NH 03841

Your sale horse will be no only be promoted on this website, but also on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest and Twitter! Save YOURSELF the work of creating all these social media links and posts! We do the work!

Any other info you want me to include in the ad
MOST IMPORTANT - nice, quality photographs! I Only need a few (2-3 would be ideal) but can't sell without good pics! The horse would have to be clipped and prepped in the photos as if he/she was heading to a horse show.

There is NO additional fees unless you would like me to handle all the inquiries as the contact person.

If so, I can do all the correspondence with the potential buyers or put your name/number/email/website as the contact. Just let me know! There is a 12% commission charge for this service.

Send inquiries to karen@minihorsesales.com


Please bookmark our site and come back soon - new horses added often!


Payments can be made through personal check/money order and mailed to:

Karen Rudolph

11 Agawam Ave

Hampstead, NH 03841

or through Paypal (with reference to horse's name and seller in the subject line)

(Paypal account justablaze@comcast.net)


FHF MiniHorseSales LLC lists horses with information provided by the horse owner and through research on AMHA & AMHR Studbook. All information is true and accurate as provided. FHF MiniHorseSales LLC is not liable for any information provided by seller. If information provided by seller proves to be intentionally false, horse(s) will be removed from site with NO refund given.





Facebook link

List your horse at Mini Horse Sales